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     Popplet is a Web 2.0 tool for organizing and sharing ideas.  This tool allows users to do so through an interactive storyboarding, content- and mind-mapping graphic format, with multimedia capabilities.  Users can import images, videos, graphics, and/or text from Flickr, YouTube, FaceBook, Google Maps, and/or their computers.  This is in addition to having the capability to directly type text and/or draw into/onto the "popples".  Popplets are exportable as PDF's and JPEG's, printable, and even shareable via URL.  They can be linked to other individual Popplets as well.  Moreover, Popplet offers an "add collaborator" feature which allows users to invite additional users (by Popplet account name or email address) to edit the so chosen Popplet(s).  The content and presentation of Popplets are up to the user(s).  As such, Popplet may very well be adapted as an educational technology.  In fact, it is "used around the world at every stage of the education process: from teacher lesson planning, as an in-class activity aide, as a student resource for independent learning, and as a subject assessment tool".[1] 




     A specific use of Popplet might be for a Middle School World History class matching quiz.  Teachers could create unmatched (or unconnected) "popples" to be matched (or connected) by students.  For instance, the following Popplet about select explorers of the Age of Exploration could be created:

If teachers chose to have their students complete such an assignment on paper, they could print the Popplet out using the "print" function to hand to students and complete by matching (or connecting) like so:

     Another specific use of Popplet for a High School World History class, might be for a project for which students complete a map (a sort of interactive, digital poster board) of the First and Second Triumvirates of Ancient Rome.  Teachers could create the basic structure of the Popplet, like so:

Teachers could then invite students to "collaborate" and fill out the map, like so:


  • Limits Due to Cost— The free version is  limited to no more than five Popplets— otherwise it is $3 per month or $30 per year for unlimited access.


  • Distraction(s)— When having students create and/or collaborate on Popplets, it may be a temptation for them to be distracted by less necessary aspects of the Popplet assignment (like the aesthetics) and spend less time and effort working on the more necessary aspects (like the content).     


  • Internet Access— Especially if assignments involving Popplet are for homework, there may be a concern about students having limiting access to the internet beyond the classroom.



  • Simplicity— Popplet provides a single webpage layout with straightforward buttons and options which are familiar to and thus easily navigable by Web 2.0 users.


"Super simple".[2]


  • Interactive Multimedia Format— The interactive multimedia format of Popplets encourage student engagement with the material.  With text, images, videos, graphics, hyperlinks, etc. nearly all learning styles of students are accounted for.  


  • Presentation Mode—Popplet brings an unconventional liveliness to presentations.    











          1. Mark, "Popplet Named in Top 25 List of Best Websites for Teaching and Learning," Poppletrocks!, blog, posted July 5, 2012, available from (accessed June 1, 2013).

         2. Popplet,, 2012, available from (accessed June 1, 2012).


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